Eco Technology Show
Come to the Eco Technology Show, taking place in Brighton on 26
th & 27
th June. Choose from over 70 speakers & 140 exhibitors, giving practical ideas on energy management, build, water and waste, transport, technology & resource efficiency.Plus Sussex SMEs in environmental sectors can access £1,000 grants to help fund a graduate intern.
ESOS – Compulsory energy audits
Legislation requiring large companies to carry out energy audits to identify energy and carbon reductions, is expected to be finalised this month.The
Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) could see all businesses with >250 employees & turnover >€50 million carry out comprehensive audits of all their energy usage, including transport. Done every four years, the first must be completed by end 2015.
See my blog for more information.
Charity Work
OK, not environmental news, but I thought I’d share a bit about my own involvement in charity

Firstly I’m a regular volunteer for the
Sussex Community Foundation, which raises funds for and makes grants to local charities and community groups. I’m involved in events and with grant applications & approvals. Since its launch in 2006, SCF has raised over £16 million and awarded grants to over 2,000 community groups.I’ll also be doing

a spot of fundraising myself next month when I’ll be running the
Race for Life for Cancer Research. This is a good challenge for me, not only to raise money but also complete the distance, after getting back into running (well, jogging) again. Wish me luck!