3 Top Tips for smooth SECR carbon reporting

Hourglass SECR deadline

Are you feeling confident about SECR?

SECR (the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting Regulations) requires quoted & large unquoted companies & LLPs to include carbon & energy information in their Annual Report.

If you’re worried about getting your SECR project done, here are some top tips to help:


3 top tips for smooth SECR

1. Good preparation

Because this is your first SECR project it’s important to prepare well so that you get everything together on time. Set out your plan for what, where, when & whom.

Start the conversations now – whether you’re in finance or facilities, you will need to liaise with your colleagues on this. Agree the timetable & who is responsible to collecting & providing the data.

Don’t forget to check what period you’re covering. If it’s the standard financial year, you need to get going ASAP as you’re covering April 19 – March 20; for calendar year, you have some breathing space as it covers Jan – Dec 20.

Also, set the scope so you know what should be included. Quoted companies must do a wider set of emissions sources covering global activities, not just the UK.


2. Data, data, data – ensure you have good quality, complete & auditable data

The data you need relates to energy in buildings, plus business travel in company vehicles, grey fleet & rental cars.

Where are you getting the SECR data from? Electricity & gas invoices, mileage reports from the expenses system, Half Hourly electricity data files. Make sure you have complete data sets – look further if there are any missing months or sites.

You need to make sure that the figures provided are correct – ensure that there is supporting evidence that can be checked as part of the validation process.

Again leave enough time to collect & then revisit the data, to ensure it is complete & auditable.


3. Don’t underestimate it…. but also don’t panic!

You’ll probably be doing this project at the start of the financial year, when all the reviews, summaries & reports are being produced – i.e. the busiest period for the finance department.

While the electricity & gas info may be OK, I often find companies struggle to retrieve all the business travel data. Make sure your colleagues see this as the priority that it is.

Don’t leave it to the last minute – take the time to ensure the information is correct. After all, the carbon data needs to be as accurate as any other financial data in the report. You need to be confident it is correct.


Do you need help?

My approach is to make SECR compliance hassle free. With my 3 step approach, I’ll guide you through the whole process, saving you time, & make sure the information provided is relevant & useful to you.


Eshcon SECR 3 stages


Need more info?

SECR – What you need to do now

SECR are you in? – to check if you do have to comply




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