Save Energy when Working from Home

With the country battling the Corona virus, many of us are dealing with new ways of working. While I’m sure no-one misses the daily commute, working from home presents its own challenges … & opportunities.

Apart of the health & childcare concerns, we’ll also be using more gas & electricity while working from home, so our energy bills will be going up. So, I thought I’d put together some simple tips on saving energy at home whether you’re alone or with the family.


Turn down the heating
Over half of a typical home’s fuel bill is for heating & hot water – turning down the heating by just 1oC can save up to £80 per year. Use the programmer to set your heating & hot water to come on when it’s needed & go off when it’s not.

Make use of the thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) to control the temperature in each room, especially those that are unoccupied (for part of the day). The living room & office should be around 20°C & your bedrooms can be a bit cooler, around 16°C.

Overcome heating myths
Turning the heating up high doesn’t heat the room quicker. It just means the heating will have to stay on longer to get to this unreasonably high temperature – by which time, people often then feel too hot & open the windows.

Switch it off
Have a ‘Switch it off policy’ to ensure equipment is turned off when not needed – your PC, laptop, printer, games consoles, lighting & heating!
Don’t forget to switch off when you stop for lunch (with the family) or go for your daily walk.

Low energy lighting
Replace fluorescent & halogen bulbs with LED energy efficient lighting – this can save you £35 per year.

Cool laundry
Washing clothes at 30oC can save you up to £52 a year. Most washing detergents are designed to work at lower temperatures – so keep the hotter washes for heavy soiling. If you can hang your washing out to dry or use a free-standing airer, instead of a tumble dryer.

Block up those draughts
Draught proofing your windows and doors could save up to £20/year.

Save energy in the kitchen
Don’t forget how you use the kitchen appliances can save electricity & gas (up to £31 per year).
Don’t fill the kettle to the brim, just use as much water as you need for your tea.
Don’t leave the tap running, use a bowl when washing up.
Use a microwave to heat your food – especially for small quantities, it’s far more efficient than a traditional gas/electric hob.
Pre-heat using the kettle – when cooking vegetables on the hob, boil the water in a kettle first.
Don’t open the oven door too often – you’ll let out hot air and waste energy.
Cook in bulk – this helps you save money on ingredients, your time, as well as energy.

In the bathroom
Reduce hot water usage with low flow showers heads & taps … and try to have shorter showers.

But don’t stop there – there are loads of things you can do around the home to save energy & money. Check out the Energy Savings Trust website.


Environmental Policy

How does this fit in with the environmental culture at work? Now you’re at home, it’s a great time for you to formalise your company’s commitment to protecting the environment.

First step is to write your Environmental Policy – see here to get started.




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